Now more than ever, commited to safety

Now more than ever, commited to safety
Equipo de Marketing
Equipo de Marketing By Demes Group MARCH 15, 2020

Due to the expansion of COVID-19 and the alarm situation decreed by the Government of Spain, from By Demes Group, we want to demonstrate to you, now more than ever, our commitment to the security of our society, and for this reason we are taking all measures necessary to preserve the health of our staff and our clients, to meet the priority objective of containing the spread of COVID-19.

To guarantee the best provision of our services:

  • We will continue with the normal development of our activity, and our technical, commercial, administration and order departments will continue to attend to your requests and queries via telephone or e-mail. Beyond our control, delivery times could be affected by the measures that concern all national and international companies.
  • We will continue to ship our more than € 15 million of material in permanent stock and available 24/7, thanks to our online store.

Our team of more than 150 professionals thanks you for your understanding and will keep you informed about any news.We admire and appreciate the great work of our health personnel to deal with the coronavirus and we send all our encouragement and strength to those affected.

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March 29, 2020

Nice to hear, online courses more important than ever, and keeping your stuff secured like ours. Lets see also in Finland we just must keep on following the government regulations and exeptions laws to come...We keep local quarenteen for boxes extra 7 days now., when arriwed. Lets take care during what ever comes ahead..Hoping tp keep up some business running together with secure all at the same. Hope you all closest are in safe, situation is hard, we follow about in 2 weeks sycle. Br:Vesa Linna
