Boost your security with VAELSYS integrations 🏡

Boost your security with VAELSYS integrations 🏡
Equipo de Marketing
Equipo de Marketing By Demes Group NOVEMBER 17, 2023
See VAELSYS products
Perimeter analytics systems face problems of inefficient detection, false alarms and cyber-attacks, seriously compromising your security.

From By Demes we present the impassable solution for perimeter detection, which incorporates IA VAELSYS DeepWall algorithms, which can be integrated with most manufacturers in the market and with our TOP manufacturers (OPTEX, RAYTEC, DAHUA, VESTA, TOA and HONEYWELL), which increases detection accuracy, reduces false alarms and protects your facilities against cyber-attacks, raising their effectiveness and security to a higher level, above other technologies and manufacturers. 

Key benefits of VAELSYS DeepWall

It implements specialised AI algorithms for perimeter protection.
Detection of people: 115m in visible cameras and 398m in thermal cameras.
Supports HD format camera resolution.
Linux 64-bit operating system and integrated FIREWALL.
Intelligent adaptation of the behaviour of the analytics system.
DEEPWALL and LPR licences in a single computer.
Up to 26 channels in a single rack unit, saving costs and energy.
It offers a comprehensive cyber security solution to protect your network from hackers.
Avoids false alarms by improving operator efficiency. 
Detection of disguised.

Can be integrated with most manufacturers on the market.
Web interface for programming, without additional software.

Integrations with VAELSYS DeepWall

OPTEX Integration - VAELSYS DeepWall: Full integration with OPTEX sensors, flexible rules, double detection, blind spot coverage and advanced analytics. Cybersecure solution, as REDSCAN PRO uses HTTPS, SNMPv3 and IEEE802.1X encrypted protocols. 
RAYTEC - VAELSYS DeepWall integration: IR night illumination and white light in a single hybrid spotlight, which can be activated with any alarm via VAELSYS devices via HTTP commands.
DAHUA - VAELSYS DeepWall integration: Sending PTZ commands to position the motorised domes in the exact areas where the alarms occur. VAELSYS equipment supports both thermal and visible cameras at no additional cost, being able to use the visible image of the dual cameras for video verification.
DAHUA's ePoE technology allows a camera to be connected to the TCP/IP network, at a maximum distance of 800 metres, with great cost savings.

VESTA - VAELSYS DeepWall integration: Sending HTTP commands for ARMING/ DISARMING from VESTA control panels to VAELSYS units, with options for total or partial arming. Alarms and identified zones, TCP/IP connection without the need for extra modules and physical connections. 
 TOA - VAELSYS DeepWall integration: Full integration with VAELSYS via HTTP commands, sending pre-recorded audio jingles related to alarm events at the perimeter. 
Cybersecure Solutions - VAELSYS and Honeywell: 30/60/70 series cameras, 30 series NVR, HVMV, mobile application, MAXPRO® and ADPRO have encrypted communication, preventing CYBERATTACKS and unauthorised access to the network.

Installation architecture


VAELSYS Integration Success Stories


Integratable product range








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