VESTA anti-squatting alarm: the ultimate solution for illegal occupation

VESTA anti-squatting alarm: the ultimate solution for illegal occupation
Equipo de Marketing
Equipo de Marketing By Demes Group JULY 10, 2024
Achraf BouchtarouifProduct Manager VESTA

Content audited and validated by our specialists.

According to Eurostat, in 2019, 7.4% of households in the European Union were occupied by people who neither paid rent nor had a mortgage. Although it is not always possible to prevent an occupation, an effective alarm system greatly simplifies the process of evicting squatters, which otherwise can be prolonged for years and cause significant financial losses to property owners.

By Demes, the leading distributor of security products in Europe, offers the VESTA Battery Alarm, the best anti-squatting alarm on the market. An effective and reliable solution, 100% autonomous.


What is a squat alarm?

It is important to note that any alarm system should work effectively to detect and prevent theft, break-in or occupation. However, we call “squatter alarms” all those systems that are specially designed against this type of crime and that also effectively resist the various sabotage attempts that criminals often carry out.

For greater effectiveness, it is important that the alarm is Grade 2 and complies with all the safety standards set by the European Union. In addition, it is essential that updates and controls are carried out on a regular basis, thus guaranteeing the complete security of the protected property..

How does the battery operated alarm prevent an occupancy?

The VESTA battery-operated alarm stands out for being quick to install and easy to configure. Thanks to this, we guarantee a safe home the same day the technician visits the home.

At the user level, it’s important to know that it acts as follows:

  1. The battery-powered control panel and the most suitable F1 devices are installed. The professional will choose those devices that help to better protect the property: keyboards, sirens, smoke sensors, PIR detectors, PIRCAMS, temperature sensors, door contacts, perimeter detectors, vibration sensors, etc.
  2. Test transmissions are carried out through the control unit every 6 hours, to guarantee that the alarm works correctly, without the need for electricity or internet connection via router
  3. As soon as the system is armed, it is possible to detect any type of intrusion, sending notifications and pictures immediately to the user and the security installer. At the same time, the control unit sounds the built-in siren, to scare away potential intruders.
  4. At that same time, an immediate notice is generated to the ARC in charge of verifying any possible incident at home through the security cameras.
  5. In case of intrusion confirmation, a notice is generated to the police, who will go to the home to evict the squatters.

VESTA Anti-squatting alarm system

VESTA's innovative battery-operated power panel has a Grade 2 Certificate, medium risk, ideal for second homes, country houses, vacant homes or buildings under construction. Likewise, it can also be installed in mobile second homes, such as yachts or motorhomes.

It is especially effective thanks to the great communication flexibility (2G or 4G LTE) that allows the alarm communication fluently, even in remote locations. As we already know, it does not require external power or internet connection via router. Panel can be managed through a remote control via the app. Another important aspect of the alarm is that it has up to 50 radio channels, allowing a range of 2 km between the control panel and the devices.

In addition to the more than 50 devices that we can use to protect the home, the VESTA battery-operated alarm supports the possibility of incorporating smoke detectors, water sensors and temperature sensors, for complete protection against fire damage and leaks of water 24 hours.

By Demes is the official distributor of the VESTA Alarm System in Europe, offering security professionals the compact 4G control panel (VESTA-068N) and all its compatible devices.


5 frequently asked questions about occupation with alarm

We will review some of the most common doubts that arise among people who consider the installation of an anti squat alarm:

1. What type of housing do squatters choose?

Although any home is susceptible to being occupied, the truth is that, according to statistics, there are some with greater risk. Bank homes, second homes, empty houses, flats under construction and homes without alarm stand out among others.

2.What are the best devices for an anti-squatting alarm?

The VESTA battery-operated alarm is compatible with more than 50 high-quality devices and, although they must be chosen based on the home and its characteristics, the most important are usually:

  • Panel: it is the main means of communication with the ARC, so it is essential that it has good communication, even in places with low connectivity.
  • PIRCAMS: these devices allow to detect any movement effectively, in addition, they have a camera that allows to visualize the possible intrusion.
  • Contacts: they cause an alarm when a door or window is opened, thus, we receive an immediate alert when someone has forced the door.
  • Perimeter detectors: ideal for houses with gardens or land, since they allow detecting and alerting the intruder before even approaching the door.

3. Can a home with an alarm be squatted?

Some criminals have learned how to occupy a house with an alarm, however, we are talking about alarms with outdated firmware, with technical problems and especially those that are easy to inhibit.

In the case of the VESTA battery-operated alarm, even if a person manages to enter a home, the alarm will respond quickly and effectively, registering the moment of entry and considering it a theft or burglary. It should be noted that when we speak of a home with an alarm, that is, of our habitual residence, the eviction occurs immediately, especially when we can provide evidence of the intrusion, such as an alarm activation, pictures and videos.

However, second homes are more vulnerable, hence the importance of protecting them with a reliable system that allows us to detect the presence of an intruder instantly, and thanks to this a warning can be generated to the police, thus avoiding a definitive occupation.

4. What are the benefits of houses with alarm systems

Initially, with the alarm activated and evidence of the intrusion, the police must vacate the house in less than 48 hours. Therefore, having an effective security system prevents the long and costly judicial procedure that involves occupying a home without alarm, which can take years.

Start installing the most effective anti-squatting alarm on the market!

Expand your catalogue with the most advanced solution, effectively protecting all types of premises: it is easy to install and configure, without the need for Ethernet. Register as a By Demes client and start installing the most flexible alarm system on the market. If you are already a client, contact your sales representative to receive more information and personalised advice in all phases of your project.
