PAR-22N RTX3 WIRELESS EXPANSION MODULE (32 ZONES)Wireless Expansion Module (32 zones). Grade 2WIRELESS EXPANSION MODULE (32 ZONES)Wireless Expansion Module (32 zones). Grade 2View price
PAR-8 ZX8 8 ZONE EXPANSION MODULE (16 ZONES WITH ATZ FUNCTION)...8 zone expansion module (16 zones with ATZ function) + 1 PGM output. Grade 38 ZONE EXPANSION MODULE (16 ZONES WITH...8 zone expansion module (16 zones with ATZ function) + 1 PGM output. Grade 3View price
PAR-116 PAR-116 HIGH QUALITY BIG BOX FOR MG5000, MG5050, SP4000, SP5...High quality big box for MG5000, MG5050, SP4000, SP5500 y SP6000 and EVO192HIGH QUALITY BIG BOX FOR MG5000, MG505...High quality big box for MG5000, MG5050, SP4000, SP5500 y SP6000 and EVO192View price
PAR-17 ZX8SP 8 ZONE EXTENDER MODULE + 1 PGM OUTPUT8 zone extender module + 1 PGM output. Only compatible with SpectraPlus™ and magellan™ range.8 ZONE EXTENDER MODULE + 1 PGM OUTPUT8 zone extender module + 1 PGM output. Only compatible with SpectraPlus™ and magellan™ range.View price
PAR-59 ZX1 1-ZONE EXPANSION MODULE1-Zone Expansion Module1-ZONE EXPANSION MODULE1-Zone Expansion ModuleView price
PAR-54 307USB DIRECT CONNECT INTERFACEDirect Connect InterfaceDIRECT CONNECT INTERFACEDirect Connect InterfaceView price
PAR-33 PGM4 4-PGM EXPANSION MODULE4-PGM Expansion Module4-PGM EXPANSION MODULE4-PGM Expansion ModuleView price
PAR-68 HUB2 HUB AND BUS ISOLATORHub and Bus Isolator. Compatible with SPECTRA PLUS and EVOHUB AND BUS ISOLATORHub and Bus Isolator. Compatible with SPECTRA PLUS and EVOView price
PAR-115 AWO003 HIGH QUALITY SMALL BOX FOR MG5000, MG5050, SP4000, S...High quality small box for MG5000, MG5050, SP4000, SP5500 and SP6000 HIGH QUALITY SMALL BOX FOR MG5000, MG5...High quality small box for MG5000, MG5050, SP4000, SP5500 and SP6000 View price
PAR-211 ZX82 EXPANSION MODULE OF 8 ZONESExpansion module of 8 zones. Compatible with Spectra, Magellan and Digiplex Evo alarm control panels. It is delivered in ABS plastic box. EN50131 of Grade 3.EXPANSION MODULE OF 8 ZONESExpansion module of 8 zones. Compatible with Spectra, Magellan and Digiplex Evo alarm control panels. It is delivered in ABS plastic box. EN50131 of Grade 3.View price
PAR-212 PS25_METALBOX SUPERVISED POWER SUPPLY MODULE (2Supervised power supply module (2.8 Amps) in metal box.SUPERVISED POWER SUPPLY MODULE (2Supervised power supply module (2.8 Amps) in metal box.View price
PAR-213 PS45 SUPERVISED POWER SUPPLY OF 75W (BOX) CAN WORK AS AUT...Supervised power supply of 75W (box) Can work as autonomous.SUPERVISED POWER SUPPLY OF 75W (BOX) C...Supervised power supply of 75W (box) Can work as autonomous.View price