CONAC-738 CP-R20U USB PROXIMITY CARD PROGRAMMER FOR TEMIC SERIESUSB proximity card programmer for TEMIC seriesUSB PROXIMITY CARD PROGRAMMER FOR TEMI...USB proximity card programmer for TEMIC seriesView price
CONAC-784 CP-R26A MIFARE CLASSIC® EV1 AND FINGERPRINT CARD PROGRAMMERMIFARE Classic® EV1 and fingerprint card programmer. Desktop device.MIFARE CLASSIC® EV1 AND FINGERPRINT CA...MIFARE Classic® EV1 and fingerprint card programmer. Desktop device.View price
HYU-646 SF-ACREADER-CARD EM AND MIFARE® USB CARD REGISTRATOREM and Mifare® USB card registrator. Plug&Play (without controllers). Power supply led indicator and status communication. USB power supply.EM AND MIFARE® USB CARD REGISTRATOREM and Mifare® USB card registrator. Plug&Play (without controllers). Power supply led indicator and status communication. USB power supply.View price
HIK-343 DS-K1F100-D8E MIFARE® AND EM CARD USB LOGGERUSB Registrar for Mifare® and EM cards. Plug&Play connection (no drivers). Supports various types of cards. High-level encryption algorithm to ensure data communication security. LED power indicator and communication status. USB poweredMIFARE® AND EM CARD USB LOGGERUSB Registrar for Mifare® and EM cards. Plug&Play connection (no drivers). Supports various types of cards. High-level encryption algorithm to ensure data communication security. LED power indicator and communication status. USB powerView price
HIK-691 DS-K1F820-F USB FINGERPRINT ENROLLERHIKVISION desktop biometric enroller. Fingerprint reading and recording for PC. Plug & Play peripheral. USB communication. Accessory for iVMS-4200 softwareUSB FINGERPRINT ENROLLERHIKVISION desktop biometric enroller. Fingerprint reading and recording for PC. Plug & Play peripheral. USB communication. Accessory for iVMS-4200 softwareView price