HIKVISION wireless expander of 8 output per AXHub system
Main features
HIKVISION wireless expander of 8 output per AXHub system
Frequency 868MHz
AES-128 encryption
Antisabotage tamper
3 status indications
Not suitable for outdoors
12V DC.
HIKVISION output wireless expander HIK-136 (DS-PM-WO8-868) is a receiver device that supports wireless FM mode for data transmission. The expansor receive wireless AXHub panel signal and extends 8 channel output.This device is suitable for indoors.
Wireless communication with control panel , expanding outputs to 8 channels (alarm, light, camera, etc.)
Support to prevent data collisions via radio
AES-128 data encryption
Power supply of 12V DC (12V /1A adapter included)
RF speed: 10Kbps
AES-128 encryption
Frequency: 868MHz
Transmission range up to 800 meters (on open field)