MORLEY-46 VSN4-LT CONVENTIONAL CENTRAL 4 ZONESConventional central 4 zones. It incorporates RS232 ports to add IP and / or GPRS modules.CONVENTIONAL CENTRAL 4 ZONESConventional central 4 zones. It incorporates RS232 ports to add IP and / or GPRS modules.View price
MORLEY-59 ECO1000BREL12L STANDARD BASE WITH 12 V RELAY FOR ECO1000 SERIES DET...Standard base with 12 V relay for ECO1000 series detectorsSTANDARD BASE WITH 12 V RELAY FOR ECO1...Standard base with 12 V relay for ECO1000 series detectorsView price
MORLEY-64 HSR-INT24 BITONAL INDOOR SIREN WITH OPTICAL INDICATORBitonal indoor siren with optical indicatorBITONAL INDOOR SIREN WITH OPTICAL INDI...Bitonal indoor siren with optical indicatorView price
MORLEY-108 ECO1005TABL A MORLEY-IAS HEAT DETECTORThermal detector Morley-IAS By Honeywell. ECO series conventional system. Incorporates LED function. Output for action indicator. Requires connection base MORLEY-58 (ECO1000B). White color. EN54-5 Class A1S certificateMORLEY-IAS HEAT DETECTORThermal detector Morley-IAS By Honeywell. ECO series conventional system. Incorporates LED function. Output for action indicator. Requires connection base MORLEY-58 (ECO1000B). White color. EN54-5 Class A1S certificateView price
MORLEY-25 MUS156 PACK OF 10 REPLACEMENT GLASS FOR KAC PUSH BUTTONSPack of 10 replacement glass for KAC push buttonsPACK OF 10 REPLACEMENT GLASS FOR KAC P...Pack of 10 replacement glass for KAC push buttonsView price
MORLEY-45 VSN2-LT CONVENTIONAL CENTRAL 2 ZONESConventional central 2 zones. It incorporates RS232 ports to add IP and / or GPRS modules.CONVENTIONAL CENTRAL 2 ZONESConventional central 2 zones. It incorporates RS232 ports to add IP and / or GPRS modules.View price
MORLEY-47 VSN8-LT CONVENTIONAL CENTRAL 8 ZONESConventional central 8 zones. It incorporates RS232 ports to add IP and / or GPRS modules.CONVENTIONAL CENTRAL 8 ZONESConventional central 8 zones. It incorporates RS232 ports to add IP and / or GPRS modules.View price