DEM-721 MC 340-10 ALARMTECH RECESSED MAGNETIC CONTACT WITH 10 METERS O...ALARMTECH recessed magnetic contact with 10 meters of white 4-wire cable. Plastic. IP67. EN-50131-2-6 Grade 2.ALARMTECH RECESSED MAGNETIC CONTACT WI...ALARMTECH recessed magnetic contact with 10 meters of white 4-wire cable. Plastic. IP67. EN-50131-2-6 Grade 2.Bekijk prijs
DEM-1020 MC 270-S45 ALUMINUM MAGNETIC CONTACT, MID-POWER (EN-50131 GRADE...Aluminum magnetic contact, mid-power (EN-50131 grade 3)ALUMINUM MAGNETIC CONTACT, MID-POWER (...Aluminum magnetic contact, mid-power (EN-50131 grade 3)Bekijk prijs
DEM-690 MC 340S MAGNETIC RECESSED CONTACT, NC, 2 M CABLEMagnetic recessed contact, NC, 2 m cableMAGNETIC RECESSED CONTACT, NC, 2 M CAB...Magnetic recessed contact, NC, 2 m cableBekijk prijs
CQR-13 SC570/WH/G3/EN SURFACE MAGNETIC CONTACTSurface magnetic contact. 10 mm aperture distance. Tamper with micro switch incorporatedand protection against sabotage by magnetic field. Terminal strip with 6 terminals for connection, connection box is not required. White color. EN50131 Grade 3, environmental class II.SURFACE MAGNETIC CONTACTSurface magnetic contact. 10 mm aperture distance. Tamper with micro switch incorporatedand protection against sabotage by magnetic field. Terminal strip with 6 terminals for connection, connection box is not required. White color. ENBekijk prijs
DEM-2002 MC 740P-BL MAGNETIC SURFACE CONTACTMagnetic surface contact. Fine design. NC. 2 meters of cable. Black. EN50131-2-6 Grade 2.MAGNETIC SURFACE CONTACTMagnetic surface contact. Fine design. NC. 2 meters of cable. Black. EN50131-2-6 Grade 2.Bekijk prijs
DEM-1016 MC 270-S68 ALUMINUM MAGNETIC CONTACT, HIGH-POWER (EN-50131 GRA...Aluminum magnetic contact, high-power (EN-50131 grade 3)ALUMINUM MAGNETIC CONTACT, HIGH-POWER ...Aluminum magnetic contact, high-power (EN-50131 grade 3)Bekijk prijs
GE-12 SLDC118 MAGNETIC SURFACE CONTACTMagnetic surface contact. Aluminum. High powerMAGNETIC SURFACE CONTACTMagnetic surface contact. Aluminum. High powerBekijk prijs
DEM-689 MC 250-M14 MAGNETIC RECESSED CONTACT, NC, 2 M CABLEMagnetic recessed contact, NC, 2 m cableMAGNETIC RECESSED CONTACT, NC, 2 M CAB...Magnetic recessed contact, NC, 2 m cableBekijk prijs
CQR-1 SC570/WH/G2/EN SURFACE MAGNETIC CONTACTSurface magnetic contact. 27 mm aperture distance. Tamper with micro switch incorporated. Terminal strip with 6 terminals for connection, connection box is not required. White color. EN50131 Grade 2, Environmental class II.SURFACE MAGNETIC CONTACTSurface magnetic contact. 27 mm aperture distance. Tamper with micro switch incorporated. Terminal strip with 6 terminals for connection, connection box is not required. White color. EN50131 Grade 2, Environmental class II.Bekijk prijs
DEM-58-G2 DEM-58-G2 SIDE MAGNETIC CONTACT OF HIGH POWER IDEAL FOR METAL ...Side magnetic contact of high power ideal for metal doors. ABS grey external plastic case. Operative distance of aperture/closure Y of 60/50 mm. Operative distance of aperture/closure Z of 70/55 mm. Alnic 5 magnet. EN50131-2-6 Grade 2, Class III.SIDE MAGNETIC CONTACT OF HIGH POWER ID...Side magnetic contact of high power ideal for metal doors. ABS grey external plastic case. Operative distance of aperture/closure Y of 60/50 mm. Operative distance of aperture/closure Z of 70/55 mm. Alnic 5 magnet. EN50131-2-6 Grade Bekijk prijs
DEM-58 DEM-58 MAGNETIC CONTACT PLASTIC SIDE HIGH POWERMagnetic contact plastic side HIGH POWER. - Magnetic contact plastic side HIGH POWER. MAGNETIC CONTACT PLASTIC SIDE HIGH POW...Magnetic contact plastic side HIGH POWER. - Magnetic contact plastic side HIGH POWER. Bekijk prijs
QAR-204 QAR-204 LATERAL MAGNETIC CONTACT OF MEDIUM POWER, IN ALUMIN... Lateral magnetic contact of medium power, in aluminum, separation distance (GAP) = 35 LATERAL MAGNETIC CONTACT OF MEDIUM PO... Lateral magnetic contact of medium power, in aluminum, separation distance (GAP) = 35Bekijk prijs