PAR-1 PMD2P WIRELESS PIR MOTION DETECTOR WITH BUILT-IN PET IMMUN...Wireless PIR Motion Detector with Built-in Pet Immunity up to 10 kg. Grado 2WIRELESS PIR MOTION DETECTOR WITH BUIL...Wireless PIR Motion Detector with Built-in Pet Immunity up to 10 kg. Grado 2Bekijk prijs
PAR-22N RTX3 WIRELESS EXPANSION MODULE (32 ZONES)Wireless Expansion Module (32 zones). Grade 2WIRELESS EXPANSION MODULE (32 ZONES)Wireless Expansion Module (32 zones). Grade 2Bekijk prijs
PAR-41 DCTXP2 MAGNETIC CONTACT VIA 2 ZONE RADIOMagnetic contact via 2 zone radio. EN50131 Grade 2MAGNETIC CONTACT VIA 2 ZONE RADIOMagnetic contact via 2 zone radio. EN50131 Grade 2Bekijk prijs
PAR-8 ZX8 8 ZONE EXPANSION MODULE (16 ZONES WITH ATZ FUNCTION)...8 zone expansion module (16 zones with ATZ function) + 1 PGM output. Grade 38 ZONE EXPANSION MODULE (16 ZONES WITH...8 zone expansion module (16 zones with ATZ function) + 1 PGM output. Grade 3Bekijk prijs
PAR-116 PAR-116 HIGH QUALITY BIG BOX FOR MG5000, MG5050, SP4000, SP5...High quality big box for MG5000, MG5050, SP4000, SP5500 y SP6000 and EVO192HIGH QUALITY BIG BOX FOR MG5000, MG505...High quality big box for MG5000, MG5050, SP4000, SP5500 y SP6000 and EVO192Bekijk prijs
PAR-230 REM25-868MHZ-B TWO-WAY WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROLTwo-way wireless remote control. 6 buttons , water resistant. 868 MHz frequency. Black colorTWO-WAY WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROLTwo-way wireless remote control. 6 buttons , water resistant. 868 MHz frequency. Black colorBekijk prijs
PAR-352 PCS265V7 LTE / 4G COMMUNICATOR MODULEParadox LTE / 4G Communicator Module. LTE communication or GSM reporting data exchange solutions for Paradox systems. Two-way communication between Paradox control panels and their respective monitoring stations, as well as personal messaging. It is also compatible with the BlueEye app LTE / 4G COMMUNICATOR MODULEParadox LTE / 4G Communicator Module. LTE communication or GSM reporting data exchange solutions for Paradox systems. Two-way communication between Paradox control panels and their respective monitoring stations, as well as personal mBekijk prijs
PAR-10N EVOHD+ EVOHD+ 8-ZONE CONTROL PANEL CIRCUIT EXPANDABLE TO 19...EVOHD+ control panel circuit with 8 zones expandable to 192. 999 users. 8 partitions. 32 doors. Supports up to 254 modules. Supports 32 virtual zones. Supports up to 254 expansion bus modules.EVOHD+ 8-ZONE CONTROL PANEL CIRCUIT EX...EVOHD+ control panel circuit with 8 zones expandable to 192. 999 users. 8 partitions. 32 doors. Supports up to 254 modules. Supports 32 virtual zones. Supports up to 254 expansion bus modules.Bekijk prijs
PAR-365 IP150+MQ-MQT IP COMMUNICATION MODULEIP module for remote communication and supervision of Paradox systems. Ethernet connection and MQTT technology for communication. Compatible with BlueEye and other Paradox specific software. Allows remote firmware upgrade and downgradeIP COMMUNICATION MODULEIP module for remote communication and supervision of Paradox systems. Ethernet connection and MQTT technology for communication. Compatible with BlueEye and other Paradox specific software. Allows remote firmware upgrade and downgradeBekijk prijs
PAR-13 DCT10 MAGNETIC CONTACT VIA RADIO AND UNIVERSAL TRANSMITTERMagnetic contact via radio and universal transmitter. Frequency 868 MHz.MAGNETIC CONTACT VIA RADIO AND UNIVERS...Magnetic contact via radio and universal transmitter. Frequency 868 MHz.Bekijk prijs