- Walli Dimmer FIBARO smart dimmer
- Designed to control the light source through the Z-Wave network
- It measures the active power and the energy consumed by the controlled load
- Compatible load types: resistive loads (conventional incandescent and halogen light sources), resistive-capacitive loads (fluorescent tube lamp, electronic transformer, LED), resistive-inductive loads (ferromagnetic transformers)
- It can be installed in a two-wire and three-wire configuration
- Automatically calibrate the connected light source
- Supports Z-Wave network security modes: S0 with AES-128 encryption and S2 authenticated with PRNG-based encryption
- Works as a Z-Wave signal repeater (all non-battery powered devices within the network will act as repeaters to increase network reliability)
- Can be used with all Z-Wave Plus certified devices, including third-party devices

FIBARO-009FGWDEU-111FIBARO walli dimmer
FIBARO walli dimmer