- Self-contained, waterproof and vandal-proof capacitive keyboard with built-in EM and HID proximity reader
- Reading range 30 ~ 60 mm
- 2000 users
- Anti-passback
- Wiegand 26-37
- Doorbell
- IP65
- 12V DC.

CONAC-695CONAC-695Self-contained, waterproof and vandal-proof capacitive keyboard with built-in EM and HID proximity reader
Self-contained, waterproof and vandal-proof capacitive keyboard with built-in EM and HID proximity reader

Hoofd functies
Taal | Naam | Type | Actie | |
| Zelf Gegenereerd Bestand | |||
| Afbeelding |
Joao Rodrigues
9 november 2019Boas. Tb precisava do manual para programar o conac-695 e não o encontro. Será possivel a sua disponibilização? Cump.
Achraf B.
7 januari 2020Good morning dear customer, The manual is available for download on our website, in the downloads section: Manuals and Software / ACCESS CONTROL / MANUALS / AUTONOMOUS -> CONAC-695-Ingles.pdf. Thank you for contacting us, Greetings.
3 april 2018buenos dias necesitaria manual, para ver como realizar las configuraciones, altas, bajas, etc. un saludo
Miguel Ángel Cabeza
6 april 2018Apreciado cliente, puede ya encontrar el manual de este equipo (en ingles) en descargas para clientes: Manuales y software > control de accesos > Manuales > Autónomos